Once upon a time there was a place that could be anywhere, and in a time it could be any time, a splendid garden with trees of all kinds: apple trees, pears, orange trees, large rose bushes,... Everything was joy in the garden and everyone was very satisfied and happy. Except for a tree that felt deeply sad. It had a problem: it didn't pay off.

"I don't know who I am...," he lamented.

"You lack concentration...," the apple tree said, if you really try, you can give some great apples... see how easy it is? Look at my branches...

-Don't listen to him. -demanded the rose bush- It is easier to give roses. Look how pretty they are!!

Desperate, the tree was trying everything they suggested. But since he couldn't be like everyone else, he was getting more and more frustrated.

One day an owl came to the garden, the wisest of birds. Seeing the desperation of the tree he exclaimed:

-Don't worry. Your problem is not so serious... Your problem is the same as that of many beings on Earth. Don't dedicate your life to being like everyone else wants you to be. Be yourself. Know yourself as you are. To achieve this, listen to your inner voice...

My inner voice?... Be myself?... Know me?... - wondered the anguished and desperate tree. After a time of bewilderment and confusion he began to meditate on these concepts.

Finally one day I get to understand. He closed his eyes and ears, opened his heart, and could hear his inner voice whispering to him:

"You'll never give apples in life because you're not an apple tree. You won't bloom every

spring because you're not a rose bush. You're an oak tree. Your destiny is to grow big and majestic, give nest to birds, shade travelers, and beauty to the landscape. This is who you are. I know who you are, I know who you are!...".

Gradually the tree became feeling stronger and more confident. He set out to be what he was at heart. He soon occupied his space and was admired and respected by all.

Only then was the garden completely happy. Everyone celebrating himself.



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