The principle of emptiness

ou have the habit of gathering useless objects at this moment, believing that one day (you don't know when) you will need them.

You have the habit of collecting money just not to spend it, because you think in the future it may be necessary.

You are in the habit of storing clothes, shoes, furniture, household utensils, and other household items that you have not used for a long time.

And inside you? ... You have the habit of keeping fights, resentments, sadness, fears, etc. Do not do that. It is anti-prosperity.

You need to create a space, a void, for new things to come into your life.

 It is necessary to eliminate what is useless in you and in your life, for prosperity to come. It is the force of that void that will absorb and attract everything that you desire. As long as you are materially or emotionally carrying old and useless things, there will be no open space for new opportunities. Goods need to circulate. Clean drawers, closets, back room, garage. Give what you no longer use. It is necessary to eliminate what is useless in you and in your life, for prosperity to come. It is the force of that void that will absorb and attract everything that you desire. As long as you are materially or emotionally carrying old and useless things, there will be no open space for new opportunities. Goods need to circulate. Clean drawers, closets, back room, garage. Give what you do not use anymore.

The attitude of putting away a lot of useless things ties up your life. It is not the stored objects that stagnate your life, but the meaning of the save attitude.
When it is kept, the possibility of lack is considered, of lack. It is to believe that tomorrow may be absent, and you will not have the means to provide for your needs.

With that posture, you are sending two messages to your brain and your life:

- You don't trust tomorrow
- You believe that the new and the best are NOT for you, since you are happy to keep old and useless things.

Get rid of the one that has lost its color and shine, let the new enter your home and into yourself.
















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