A star I never can shine

Judith Eva Bari was born in the United States in 1978 to a hungarian immigrant family. During her not long but rich life, the girl managed to star in 70 commercials, 4 tv series, 3 films and 2 cartoons, as well as become very popular. She may have had a brilliant career, but her father destroyed her family's future with her bare hands.

The main feature of the girl was that she looked much younger than she really was. So 5-year-old Judith could be mistaken for a 3-year-old baby, and made everyone laugh on the recording set with her charming voice.

It seemed that life was going as well as possible - the role in the thriller "Fatal Vision" brought the girl fame, her fees reached $100,000 and the situation in the family was relatively quiet. They moved into a luxury mansion in Los Angeles and didn't deny him anything.

However, in 1985 the family idyll came to an end. The head of the family was no longer working, and he stayed at home with his main entertainment: alcohol. In addition, it always seemed to him that Mary, his wife, would take her daughter to Hungary, as his first wife fled from him. This started the threats until the blows were hit. There's no way Jose would lose his source of income.

Over time, the girl grew but her voice was too childish. This began to annoy Maria that I seek help from specialists who prescribed the girl growth hormones. However, her treatment had to be interrupted, as the producers worried that the girl would grow up rapidly and lose her childish charm.

In 1986, Maria went to the police, after another attack by her husband, but went unpunished. It looked like they were walking in a vicious circle. Members of the film crew began to notice that something was wrong with the girl: from a cheerful and inquisitive girl she became a closed and irritable child. In addition, the constant stress made him eat a lot, and therefore began to gain weight quickly.

During the filming of Jaws: Revenge, the agent representing Judith managed to find out what such mood swings are related to. She then advised her mother to consult a psychologist, and she revealed a mental disorder the girl had. She told the agent she was planning to divorce and dissuaded him from seeking help from child protection services.

Time passed, and Mary was undecided on leaving her husband. She secretly rented an apartment for her daughter, where the girl spent her afternoons, but at night they had to return home to face Jose's paranoid. The woman also stopped cleaning the house because she knew Joseph was obsessed with cleaning. He thought I'd make him move into another house, but Jose didn't leave.

The murder happened on a summer night in 1988... Jose took a gun and took two lives. Two days later, he contacted and told Agent Judith that he needed to say goodbye to his wife and daughter. Then he took his own life.

The following year, the cartoon "All Dogs Go to Paradise" was released, where a small actress voiced one of the heroines.

The mother and daughter were buried in Los Angeles and only 16 years later the monuments of Judith's fans were erected in their tombs. It is not known where Joseph's body rests.

That's the sad story of a little star who could have a great future. This story once again recalls that a large number of people suffer from domestic violence, 81% of them are women. The biggest mistake of the victims is the hope that the abuser will change.

There are things that can be avoided, the signs of bad things come but many people do not see them or ignore them. There are things that can be avoided, the signs of bad things come but many people do not see them or ignore them. We are always vigilant to protect ourselves and our children.



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