The Sage and the Scorpion


"There was once a wise monk who walked with his disciple on the banks of a river. During his walk, he watched as a scorpion had fallen into the water and was drowning, and made the decision to save him by pulling him out of the water. But once in his hand, the animal stung him.

The pain caused the monk to let go of the scorpion, who fell back into the water. The sage tried again to take him out, but again the animal stung him causing him to drop. This happened a third time. The monk's disciple, worried, asked him why he continued to do so if the animal always stung him.

The monk, smiling, replied that the nature of the scorpion is that of stinging, while his was none other than to help. That said the monk took a leaf and, with his help, managed to get the scorpion out of the water and save it without suffering its sting. "

Another story from India, this time he explains that we must not fight our nature no matter how much others harm us. We have to take precautions, but we must not cease to be who we are or act against who we are.



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