Roses and thorns

The rosebush was proud and boasted of her beauty: "My flowers are more beautiful than The Lord has created, not in me no harm."

The other flowers reminded him that he also had thorns. He said that the thorns did no harm to anyone.

It happened that men and women came to collect roses, and roses are even more proud. He asked for whom they were, and told him to throw the passing of a young carpenter who had emerged as the king of the people.

The next day the rose saw as the passing of this young man climbed a Burrill, people covered the path of rose petals. While shouting "Long live the son of David!

"See told the other plants, the petals of my roses have served to honor the Messiah. I'm the best plant. "

"You have thorns" said others.

"With that I do not hurt anyone, are a self-defense."
Five days later, soldiers came and approached the rose. They were angry and their eyes were full of hatred.

"Here we find what is necessary to honor the King of the Jews as it deserves." The thought that came to plant more roses and bent to facilitate pruning, but the soldiers departed abruptly, and taking the tongs in his hand, said "no bush, we do not want your flowers, what we want are your spines."

The Rose could do nothing to stop it, with its thorns, the Roman soldiers who nailed drew up the crown on the brow of that innocent man, the most innocent and righteous men, the Son of God.

The next day saw the rose from his mountain nailed to the Cross and felt shame and embarrassment at the same time.
"I'm the worst of plants, for me would have hurt the innocent."

The guardian angel of the plants said, "You're not the worst, remember that you left the petals it throws on the day of his triumph. And this crown, made your bones, it is true that he does suffer, but she's getting lots of little rise as King. As for you Rose, you're not bad or good, you are a plant that has flowers and thorns. You must not forget.

What we forget? Do we see only our good side, our virtues? Just see what we are nice and kind to others and forget that we also have spines (defects) that are sometimes more than the petals (virtues)?.

We must reflect. Although there are some that could be considered a rose ... do not forget that roses have thorns too.


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