For you, Mom and Dad ...

I tripped over a passing stranger and said "sorry".
The answer "Excuse me please, I did not see."
We were very polite, we continue our journey, we parted.

Later, when you are cooking, my son was very close to me. By turning almost beat her, "Off" I yelled, pulled the connection, except that I noticed how hard I did.

Being awake to bed God told me gently: "Treat the stranger politely. But molesting the boy you love." (and this obviously includes shocks).
Go to the kitchen and find some flowers on the floor near the door. "These are the flowers that you cut and dress, pink, yellow and blue. I was quietly to give you the surprise and did not see the tears filling his eyes."

"I was miserable and I began to mourn."

Softly I went and knelt by his bed and said: "Wake up little, wake up." Are these the flowers you cut for me?.

He smiled and said: "I found the tree. I took them because they are pretty as you, especially the blue."

"Son, I'm sorry I did not you scream I should."

He said, "Okay mom. I love you anyway."

"I love you and I love the flowers, especially blue.

Note that if we die tomorrow, within days the company covers the post. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of his life. Think about it, because we are delivering more to work than to our family, do not think that is an unwise investment ..?


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