
I have a friend named Diego that when the past was to begin in 2004 told me: "You'll see, this will be your best year," and she was right ...

In January, my mother was diagnosed with depression, so it was entered in May in a clinic, there was more than a month. In February, my sister entire thyroid removed because he was out of control. To me, in the months of March and April I had to make some medical tests to try to diagnose a kidney issue. In May I had an accident with my car, I had no three months, in which nearly overturned. In June, my father was admitted with acute conjunctivitis in one eye where he has vision, spent a week in hospital. Also in June, we Mayuca emergency department, my mother, with a sickle. My wife and I saw that the year had been well served, and thought how unfortunate my friend's comment.

Mayuca taking more than 13 years on a wheelchair by a car that was hit, and between different aspects of this situation supposed, was the fact of taking into his body a small reservoir with baclofen to reduce spasticity. Well, in July had to go to Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo because, as every 5 years, played the change of the pump.

That, and other similar ventures were part of everyday life, like all people in such circumstances and also their families, so we could say that the day was one more, except that her husband, in an MRI, doctors discovered a brain tumor.

What seemed a glimmer of dementia was at two weeks, partial removal of a malignant tumor. Rapidly intensified our prayers and we began to join him in the hospital telling him to recover from 'injury', all worried, just wanted to finish this episode sooner happily.

They had spent ten days when she is diagnosed Mayuca another malignant tumor, in this case gum-jaw. This left us locked. There was no doubt that God was testing us, was knocking on our door and wanted us to hold hands with him in pain.

Was relatively little that we had gone together to see the movie "The Passion of the Christ" and could easily imagine that this story, Jesus carrying the Cross, had stopped in front of us and invited us to follow him. Each as we assimilate this unexpected meeting with the Cross and follow Him, we could not do otherwise.

Mayuca, especially for the role they had played live in recent years, was the center of the home, on which everything revolved, as the inability treat you at all required coordination. And she, from that singular 'throne' was who was driving, that it was implicitly the link between all.

Therefore, the news of his tumor was devastating, except for her, while also learned that her husband also had one. She used to suffer, if they can get used to that one, instantly recognized that her days of purification on earth would have been many, but it was running. He had an admirable serenity. It was very clear that there is no reason to be sad we are children of God.

And according to the chronology, in early August, my sister had an accident in which the three people who went, one was thrown from the vehicle, but she was unhurt. The car was declared a total loss.

It was over in August, when my father suffers a heart-stopping breathing and dies three days.

I remember well when Mayuca went to see him at the hospital, watching him with affection, and spoke from the heart, without noise of words, imagine telling him of his tumor, and much more that we all know and thought we get a lump in the throat, and filled with envy us because we had a lot of sincere love. A genuine love, which was possible thanks to endure all things in stride, and even humor.

For his part, was operated Mayuca tumor of the mandible in early October, placing a piece of bone had been removed from the hip. In this hospital stay catches pneumonia. Eight days later, given that the bone is not being accepted in a new operation the graft was removed from his face. Her body growing weaker, spends 3 weeks in ICU, fighting to survive the complications of pneumonia.

In mid-November, the opening of the hip has healed and not have to sew it. Shortly after they discharged him. The coming home is hard, then again not even a shadow of its former self. Your body is crushed by the multiple interventions, and their appearance, defaced, to the extent that it has serious difficulties in feeding and even to swallow. This causes the weakness of body, soul joins weakness. She simply tells us he is tired but still fighting.

It is an indisputable example of love of life, every day, with its nuances, small ones and some not, moving forward, thanking the visits, flowers, being patient with our lack of patience, be satisfied, knowing that we us. A treasure chest of wealth that slips through your fingers when you have not yet begun to value.

Later this month returns to hospital with infection, and in a week back home, but the following week back to the hospital. With docility, keeping peace, knowing it was part of God's plans, Mayuca left to do. Until the last day to pray the rosary and filling up their strength. While we, concerned, recognizing that he was testing us, each living his battle alone with God, trying to understand his intentions.

Finally Mayuca left us, we could be with her on Christmas Day, but her husband do, and I have been able to count how was the birthday party of his granddaughter, which she attended in late November.

With these letters, which encouraged us your confessor, I thank Mayuca opportunity given to me to learn many things, among them cope with adversity. I'm glad to have shared with her these moments of pain and suffering, that I did it of my worries and my prayers.

Thank Mayuca because in the end I understand that yes, this has been my best year. And thank God, because there have been times when we got the cross with Him and others whom he has been caught us in her arms.

We are also grateful to all hospitals for the good treatment we received in all cases: Clínica Universitaria de Navarra (Pamplona), Hospital (Valladolid), Hospital Pio del Rio Hortega (Valladolid), National Hospital of Paraplegics (Toledo) Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Madrid).

Fuente-Autor: JC Zanfona


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