The book of our lives

Have you counted the time of your happiness? In the book of life.

One day a man came to a beautiful but mysterious that attracted much attention. The man came to that hill and walked slowly through the trees and some white stones. He let his eyes like butterflies alighting on every detail of this multicolored paradise.

On one of the stones found this inscription: "Here lies Abdul Tareg, lived five years, six months, two weeks and three days."

It was a bit startled to realize that this stone was not merely a stone, was a tombstone. He felt sorry to think that a child so young was buried there. Looking around, the man realized that the stone was also next to an inscription. He went to read it, saying: "Here lies Kalib Yamin, lived for three years, eight months and three weeks.

The man felt terribly depressed. This beautiful place was a cemetery and every rock, a tomb. One by one the tombstones read, all had similar markings: a name and the exact lifetime of the deceased. But what most connected with the terror that was to prove that he had lived longer exceeded just six years.

Embargoed by a terrible pain, he sat down and began to mourn. The caretaker of the cemetery, passing by, approached. "What happens to these people and why so many children dead buried there?", Asked the caregiver

The old man replied: "Can you calm down. What happens is that here is an old habit.'ll Tell you: When a girl turns fifteen years, his father gave him a book. It is a tradition among us that from then on, each Once one thoroughly enjoying something, open the book and begins to write in it: on the left, what was it enjoyed in the big and small ... to the right details, how long did the inner joy, happiness, despite adversity. The graves you see here, are not children but adults, and the lifetime of the inscription of the stone refers to the sum of the moments it took them to true happiness of each people who rely on this place. "

So," continued the old man patting the back of his companion, when someone dies, it is our custom to open your notebook and add it enjoyed the time to write over his grave, because it is, friend walker, the only and real time spent.

In every detail, in good times and bitter moments, as long as we live full of joy knowing we are loved by God, to rest our souls in the hope that it offers, is the duration of our happiness, and the duration of the true fullness of our lives.

Your life is like that book in your hands, begins to fill with the best of you and do not stop!


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