The hole in the Boat

A man was called to paint a boat on the beach. He took his paint and his brush and began painting a bright red, as had been hired. When starting to paint, he noticed that the paint ran down the back of the boat. He realized then that there was a leak and decided to fix it. Upon completion of painting, collected his money for his work and left.

The next day the owner of the boat gave the artist a check for a large sum. The painter was surprised. "You already paid me to paint the boat," he said.

"But this is not the paint job. Is to fix the leak."

"It was so small that he would not charge. Are you sure you're paying me this huge amount for something so small?"

"My dear fellow, you do not understand. Let me explain."
"Cuando le pedí que pintara el bote, se me olvidó mencionarle sobre la fuga. Cuando el bote estaba listo y seco, mis hijos tomaron el bote y salieron a pescar. Cuando descubrí que habían partido en el bote, me puse histérico. Recordé que el bote tenía una fuga ¡Imagínese mi alivio y felicidad cuando los vi volver sanos y salvos! Examiné el bote y vi que usted había reparado la fuga. Ahora, ¿ve lo que hizo? ¡Usted salvó las vidas de mis hijos! ¡No tengo suficiente dinero para pagarle por su ‘pequeña’ buena acción …!”

When we do our job there is always an unexpected reward.


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