Girl in love with a Jehovah's Witness. Chapter 1.

Dear readers know what being in love with a woman. It feels special when that feeling called love throughout the world, is embedded in the heart of a man with the intention of staying forever. Have felt this need of wanting to be stifling to always loved to share her time, talks, experiences, etc.. Or just see her without saying a word. Is not it wonderful to share all that, when someone is for us and opens the door to love. But imagine this for a moment: they fall in love with someone, whose religious beliefs are beyond any feeling gestated by feelings.

Things change masters, changing to the more suffering of the experiences that a human being can reach feel. I confess that I am going through this dire situation. I wanted to share my daily life situation because I find it unbearable, and I touched the bottom of the abyss where darkness is the only passenger. It all started about three years in college studying engineering, was finishing the last semester and was very happy because we finally got the title of engineer. That semester gets a girl to work in the photocopying room. His appearance was very sensitive character was blond and apparently strong, white, of medium height. With a spectacular smile that broke at that moment my heart. I wasted no time and in a few days I like everything this gentleman and offering a beautiful smile she did the same.

In the long talks we had in the following weeks I found out he was not married (hallelujah) and I had no boyfriend (aleluya. .. hallelujah) but it was terrible how direct it was when I said I am a Jehovah's Witness. Do not really surprised. He had studied years before the Bible with Jehovah's Witness in another city, but due to my personal circumstances leave the study. Closed knew what they were Jehovah's Witnesses for the world. But at that moment I did not care to think about it, I only listen enraptured with his voice and see it, that was enough for me. We exchanged phone that day. We said goodbye and promised to call her that week. Comes home from work tonight and for calling my despair grew more and more. Suddenly the phone rings, and it was she, with her sweet and tender voice. He was calling to say hello. God can believe it, called me.

Since that day, in my head there was nothing more important than her. Remembered in the morning, afternoon, evening. Every minute, every second that passed with maddening lethargy. Months passed, and kept in contact via phone almost every day, my phone bills quadrupled. But I did not care. One day take a firm decision to confess my love for her. So I had to take the next step. Even knowing the strict rules that Jehovah's Witnesses have when interacting with humans in this world. But the statement was not in person but over the phone. I do not know, maybe the present circumstances made that way. He said he was deeply in love with her, that since the first time I saw not stop thinking about her. She is silent, and for me it was a whip hitting with great pain. He said he was flattered by the sentiment, but could not answer at that time. That response left me in the deepest concern. I felt like a small boat drifting in the deep sea. Whipped by the wind and cold. The following hours were in despair and speculation.

Source: Anonymous


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