Games that kill

Gina was a girl of only 8 years , one day wanted to surprise his mother. She knew her mother had a birthday on Sunday. So, I decided along with three of his best friends devise a plan to see if her mother really loved her. The plan was to get a cut on your body and exposed to his mother with all the pain and tears.I arrive on Friday , was the day chosen for the " joke " so his three friends looked for a red dye very similar to the color of blood and smeared her dress and face.Gina dropped to the front of the house , on a beautiful bright green grass . Two of her friends stayed with them for they act at the right time. The other knocks on the door screaming with intense crying :help GinaThe very puzzled mother opens the door and sees her daughter Dantesque scene on the grass and bloodstains that surrounded her small body . Without waiting a moment pushes the door and jumps on his young daughter, the two friends away crying she's dead ... dead.The intense pain in his mother cries desperately daughter do not die , god help me . Somebody help me shouted desperately. My queen I love you do not go , do not go. Suddenly release the body of his daughter and puts her hands on his chest, slowly falls beside the body of her daughter. She is dead. The friends saw what happened come running for help. Gina joins believing their mother had fainted and tries in vain to resuscitate her. Gina could not believe it . His mother had died .
Perhaps the most painful lesson learned with this story is that if a person loves another , there is no better demonstration of that love every day if that person shares with the small details of life. It has all the time in the world to tell someone I love you . Even better when you can express in good health. God bless you .


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