Never lose momentum

This is the story of Bill Levitt, a pioneer in the construction industry, who became rich after having built suburbs on Long Island, New York, but who later lost his fortune.

One day at a party, Donald Trump, who at that time was in its heyday as an investor and real estate developer, Bill was sitting and approached him thinking I might need a friend to talk to. When asked what had happened, he answered "I lost my momentum." Bill sold his business for a hundred million dollars, bought a yacht and a house in southern France and left. Years later, he got bored and bought back his business, but it went down. His business had changed, times had changed but he remained the same. At this point, see Donald turns and says "do not lose your momentum."

Years later, Donald was invited to dinner but I was exhausted and weary of arguing with bankers all day, did not want to go. Donald recalled the words of Bill and instead of staying to rest that night, put on his suit and attended the dinner. He was surprised to see that one of the bankers with whom he was fighting all day, sat at his side. That night resolved all their differences and emerged a new deal, which would not have occurred if Donald had not taken the advice of Bill, and had stayed at home to rest.

When it comes to money, most people worry too much about losing him, that even prefer not to risk it. This type of people end up losing your money and do not create or gain momentum, if they fail, give up and surrender, if successful, charge and retreat, if there is a crisis or situation gets tough, enter a kind of hibernation and wait until the economy recovers or the situation changes.

One of the reasons why people are not rich is because they think and worry too much. Instead of taking action stops are thinking "What if I fail, What if I lose my money, What will tell me if I fail?", Etc.



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